Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Primary Student score good in global test

Results of the study read Iglu and TIMSS mathematics test grade fourth put Germany firmly in the top third of the global rankings, behind powerhouses such as Hong Kong's education, which come first, and in addition to countries such as the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Italy.

"We have been able to maintain a high position," said the study's principal investigator 'Wilfried Bos.

But he admits there is a clear part of the children who did so poorly in reading, writing and science that they will have trouble in high school. Germany also seems to have a bit of a high flyer than many other countries. "It makes one worry. We wasting our talent," said Bos.

One bright spot is that only 11 percent of fourth grade - aged about 10 - did not do the reading outside of school. "Our kids read a lot, and they like to read. It is a great achievement of primary school and our parents," said Bos.

And others showed that only 0.8 percent of children from immigrant families spoke German at home, leading the Boss commented: "One can not really speak about parallel societies."

But the test results are also affected by stubborn German problem - the child's performance in school is closely tied to the educational level of their parents.

"A son of a professor or chief physician had 4.7 greater chance of getting recommendations Gymnasium than the child labor schools," Bos said, referring to the university-track high school German.

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